Discover Unique Baby Names
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Dwayne is a modern English name derived from the word 'duine', meaning 'leader' or 'noble'.
The name Deegan is an Irish name, derived from the Gaelic surname Ó Déagáin, meaning 'descendant of Deagán'.
Don is a masculine name derived from the Spanish title 'don', meaning 'lord' or 'master'.
Dezmond is a variant spelling of the name Desmond, which means "from the South Munster" in Irish.
Deklan is a modern variation of the Irish name Declan, meaning 'full of goodness'.
Donnie is a diminutive form of the name Donald, which is of Scottish Gaelic origin meaning 'world ruler'.
We help you discover unique baby names. Using official US naming statistics as a reference point, we spotlight beautiful names that are a bit less common.
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