Discover Unique Baby Names
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Catarina is a feminine form of the name Catherine, which is of Greek origin meaning 'pure'.
Charity is a name derived from the Latin word 'caritas,' meaning love or benevolence.
Carlee is a feminine name of English origin, meaning 'free man' or 'peasant'.
Cori is a shortened form of the English name Corinne or Corinna, which is derived from the Greek word 'koré' meaning 'maiden'.
Cecily is a feminine name of French origin meaning 'blind' or 'dimmed vision'.
A name derived from the Chevrolet Chevelle car model, likely of French origin.
Cienna is a name of uncertain origin, but it may be a modern invented name inspired by the color sienna.
A feminine name derived from the name of the orchid flower 'Cattleya'.
A French name derived from the French word 'chosette', meaning 'little thing'.
Caitlyn is a variant of the Scottish name Caitlin, meaning 'pure' or 'innocent'.
Coral is an English name derived from the marine invertebrate animal of the same name.
Charlene is a French feminine name derived from the French masculine name Charles, which means "free man".
We help you discover unique baby names. Using official US naming statistics as a reference point, we spotlight beautiful names that are a bit less common.
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