
Beatriz is a feminine name of Latin origin, derived from the Late Latin name Beatrix. The name is composed of the Latin elements beatus, meaning 'blessed' or 'happy', and the suffix -rix, meaning 'she who'.

The name Beatriz has been used for centuries across many cultures and languages, with variations like Beatrice, Beatrix, and Beatriz. It's a name with a long and distinguished history, having been borne by several queens, princesses, and other notable figures throughout the ages.

The meaning of the name Beatriz, 'she who brings happiness', is both lovely and aspirational. It's a name that conveys a sense of joy and positivity, making it a popular choice for parents seeking a name with an uplifting meaning.

While the name Beatriz has its roots in Latin, it has been embraced and adapted by various cultures around the world. In Spanish-speaking countries, Beatriz is a particularly common and beloved name.

US popularity 2023:107 children

