Dottie is a diminutive or nickname form of the name Dorothy. Dorothy is a feminine given name derived from the Greek name Dorothea, which is composed of the elements 'doron' meaning 'gift' and 'theos' meaning 'God'.
The name Dorothea can be traced back to the 3rd century, when it was borne by a virgin martyr who was one of the earliest Christian saints. The story of St. Dorothy's martyrdom played a significant role in spreading the popularity of the name throughout Europe.
Over time, the name Dorothy underwent various linguistic changes, resulting in several vernacular forms such as Dora, Dolly, and Dottie. The nickname Dottie emerged as a diminutive form, likely derived from the practice of adding a diminutive suffix to names.
While Dottie is primarily used as a nickname for Dorothy, it has also been adopted as a given name in its own right, particularly in the 20th century.