
Esdras is a masculine name derived from the Hebrew name Ezra, which means 'helper' or 'aid'. The name is associated with Ezra, a Hebrew priest and scribe who played a significant role in the revival of Judaism after the Babylonian exile.

In the biblical Book of Ezra, Ezra is credited with restoring the observance of the Torah and leading a group of exiles back to Jerusalem. He was instrumental in rebuilding the Temple and reestablishing the religious and cultural traditions of the Jewish people.

The name Esdras is a variant spelling of Ezra, which is more commonly used in English-speaking countries. While it is less common than its counterpart, Esdras still holds deep religious and cultural significance, particularly among Jewish and Christian communities.

In modern times, the name Esdras is sometimes chosen by parents who appreciate its biblical roots and meaning, as well as its unique and distinguished sound. It is a name that carries a sense of history, faith, and guidance.

US popularity 2023:80 children

