
Gina is a feminine form of the Italian name Gino, which is a shortened version of names like Giovanno or Giovanna. These names are derived from the Italian word 'Dio,' meaning 'God,' and the word 'vanni,' meaning 'gracious.' Therefore, the name Gina ultimately means 'God is gracious.'

Originally an Italian name, Gina has gained widespread popularity and usage in various cultures and languages around the world. It is a name that has a strong Italian heritage and connection but has also become a familiar and well-liked name in many other contexts.

Despite its Italian roots, the name Gina is often used independently and not necessarily as a shortened version of longer Italian names. Its simple, yet elegant sound and meaning have contributed to its enduring appeal as a name for baby girls.

Whether used in its Italian context or as a standalone name, Gina carries with it a sense of grace and divine favor, making it a meaningful and attractive choice for parents seeking a name with a rich cultural heritage.

US popularity 2023:116 children

