Liya is a Slavic variant of the name Lia, which is derived from various sources including the Hebrew name Leah and the Greek name Leia. It is a feminine name that has gained popularity in recent years.
The Hebrew name Leah means 'weary' or 'tired', while the Greek name Leia means 'princess' or 'born to royalty'. Depending on the specific cultural context, the name Liya can carry different meanings and associations.
In some Slavic cultures, the name Liya may be a diminutive form of longer names such as Liliya or Liudmila, which are derived from the Slavic word 'lud' meaning 'people'.
Regardless of its specific origins, the name Liya is often perceived as a delicate and feminine name that can evoke a sense of grace and beauty.
US popularity 2023:111 children