
Nathaly is a feminine name that originated as a variant of the Hebrew name Nathaniel. The name Nathaniel is derived from the Hebrew words 'natan' meaning 'gift' and 'el' meaning 'God', thus translating to 'gift of God'.

The name Nathaly is particularly popular in Spanish-speaking countries, where it is often spelled with a 'y' instead of an 'ie' at the end. It is also common in various other cultures and languages, with slight variations in spelling and pronunciation.

Nathaly is a beautiful and meaningful name that conveys a sense of divine blessing. It has a soft and melodic sound, making it a popular choice for parents looking for a feminine yet strong name for their daughter.

While the name has Hebrew roots, it has been embraced by various cultures and has taken on a more universal appeal over time.

US popularity 2023:212 children

