
Rhiannon is a feminine name with roots in Welsh mythology. It is derived from the name of a mythological figure, Rhiannon, who was a prominent character in the Mabinogion, a collection of medieval Welsh tales.

In the mythology, Rhiannon was a powerful and beautiful goddess associated with horses and birds. She was known as the 'great queen' or the 'divine queen' and was often depicted as a symbol of fertility and sovereignty.

The name Rhiannon gained popularity in the modern era, particularly after the release of the Fleetwood Mac album 'Rhiannon' in 1975. It has since become a popular name choice for parents seeking a unique and enchanting name with a connection to Celtic mythology.

With its melodic sound and rich cultural heritage, Rhiannon is often seen as a captivating and mystical name, evoking images of Celtic folklore and feminine strength.

US popularity 2023:210 children

