
Serafina is a feminine name with Italian origins, derived from the word 'serafino', meaning 'seraphic' or 'angelic'. It is a name that evokes a sense of heavenly grace and purity.

The name is closely linked to the seraphim, the highest-ranking angels in the Christian tradition, known for their unwavering devotion and reverence to God. As such, Serafina carries connotations of spiritual beauty and divine love.

In Italian culture, the name Serafina has a long-standing tradition and is often associated with elegance and refinement. It has a melodic quality that lends itself well to nicknames such as Sera or Fina.

Whether chosen for its angelic symbolism or its melodious Italian roots, Serafina is a enchanting name that exudes a sense of grace and charm.

US popularity 2023:147 children

