
Tiago is a masculine Portuguese name, which is a form of the name James. It is derived from the Hebrew name Jacob (Ya'aqov), meaning 'supplanter' or 'one who follows on another's heels'.

The name James came to English from the French version of the late Latin name Iacomus, which was a form of the Greek Iakōbos, a rendition of the Hebrew name Ya'aqov. The name Jacob is derived from the Hebrew verb 'aqav, meaning 'to follow at the heel' or 'to supplant'.

In the Bible, Jacob was the son of Isaac and Rebekah, and the younger twin brother of Esau. He is an important figure in the book of Genesis, where he is described as having struggled with God and being renamed Israel.

The name Tiago has been a popular name in Portugal and other Portuguese-speaking countries, often given in honor of Saint James the Greater, one of the apostles of Jesus.

US popularity 2023:212 children

