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Jayvion is a modern invented name with no definitive meaning or etymology.
The name Jareth has an unknown origin and meaning.
Josh is a diminutive form of the name Joshua, which has Hebrew origins meaning 'Yahweh is salvation'.
A combination of the names John and Paul, with origins in Hebrew and Latin.
The meaning of the name Jasai is not known for certain.
Jaleel is an Arabic name meaning 'sublime' or 'majestic'.
Jeronimo is a Spanish variant of the name Jerome, derived from the Greek name Hieronymus, meaning 'sacred name'.
An English surname derived from the personal name Jenyn, which is a diminutive form of John.
A variant spelling of the biblical name Joah, which is a shortened form of the Hebrew name Jehoah, meaning 'Yahweh is God.'
Jupiter is the name of the largest planet in our solar system, derived from the Roman god of the same name.
Javi is a Spanish diminutive form of the name Javier, which is derived from the Basque word 'etxe-berri', meaning 'new house'.
Jawad is an Arabic name meaning 'generous' or 'bountiful'.
Johann is a German form of the Hebrew name John, meaning 'Yahweh is gracious'.
We help you discover unique baby names. Using official US naming statistics as a reference point, we spotlight beautiful names that are a bit less common.
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