Discover Unique Baby Names
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List of names
Rosalee is a feminine name derived from the combination of the name Rose and the French suffix 'lee'.
Rubi is a Spanish and Italian name derived from the word 'ruby', the precious gemstone.
Rain is a name derived from the English word for the condensed water vapor that falls from the sky.
Rue is a French name derived from the herb rue, which has symbolic meanings of repentance and regret.
A feminine form of the name Rito, derived from the Spanish word 'rita' meaning 'small brook'.
A name of Scottish origin, meaning 'promontory' or 'meadow near the lake'.
An invented name, possibly inspired by the words 'river' and 'lynn', meaning a waterfall or lake.
An English name meaning 'pretty rose'.
The name Rayla is of Scottish origin and means 'ray of light'.
Rio is a Spanish name meaning 'river'.
Rosalinda is a Spanish feminine name that combines the names Rosa and Linda, meaning 'beautiful rose'.
We help you discover unique baby names. Using official US naming statistics as a reference point, we spotlight beautiful names that are a bit less common.
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