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List of names
Scarlette is a feminine name derived from the French word 'escarlate,' meaning scarlet or deep red.
Susan is a feminine name of Hebrew origin meaning 'lily' or 'rose'.
Sunday is a feminine name derived from the day of the week, which itself comes from the Latin 'dies Solis' meaning 'day of the sun.'
Sally is a diminutive form of the name Sarah, which is derived from the Hebrew name Sarah meaning 'princess'.
Skylynn is a modern name that combines the elements 'sky' and 'lynn', meaning 'sky meadow'.
Shirley is an English name derived from a location name meaning 'bright meadow'.
The name Sunnie is an English diminutive form of the name Sunny, which means 'sunny' or 'sunshine'.
Sherlyn is a feminine name of Old English origin meaning 'bright meadow'.
The meaning of the name Skylah is not definitively known, but it is believed to be a variant of the name Skyla, which may be derived from the word 'sky.'
The meaning and origin of the name Scotlyn are unclear.
Stormy is an English name referring to a turbulent or tempestuous storm.
A name inspired by the word 'storm', potentially referring to a stormy or turbulent personality.
We help you discover unique baby names. Using official US naming statistics as a reference point, we spotlight beautiful names that are a bit less common.
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