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List of names
Spencer is an English surname derived from the Medieval Latin word 'dispensator' meaning 'steward' or 'administrator'.
Sailor is a unisex name of English origin referring to a person who navigates or assists in the navigation of a ship or boat.
The name Sunny is an English word name referring to the sun or bright and cheerful.
Sterling is a unisex name that originally referred to a British currency unit.
Skylar is a modern name derived from the Dutch word 'scholier,' meaning 'student' or 'scholar.'
Shea is an English surname derived from the Irish Gaelic word 'siadhal' meaning 'admirable' or 'valiant'.
A name derived from the English word for a violent atmospheric disturbance with wind, rain, and sometimes thunder and lightning.
Scout is a gender-neutral name derived from the verb 'to scout', meaning to explore or observe.
Sidney is an English name derived from the Old English words 'sid' meaning 'wide' and 'ey' meaning 'island'.
Sedona is a place name derived from the Spanish word 'sedona' meaning 'sienna-colored'.
The name Sky is a modern word name that refers to the vast expanse of air and atmosphere above the Earth.
Storm is a gender-neutral name derived from the English word for a violent weather event.
Saylor is an English occupational surname meaning 'sail maker'.
We help you discover unique baby names. Using official US naming statistics as a reference point, we spotlight beautiful names that are a bit less common.
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