Discover Unique Baby Names
Find unique and meaningful baby names. From beautifully rare to wonderfully uncommon names, find the perfect, one-of-a-kind name for your baby
List of names
Sailor is a unisex name of English origin referring to a person who navigates or assists in the navigation of a ship or boat.
The name Sunny is an English word name referring to the sun or bright and cheerful.
Sol is a gender-neutral name meaning 'sun' in various languages.
Skylar is a modern name derived from the Dutch word 'scholier,' meaning 'student' or 'scholar.'
A name derived from the English word for a violent atmospheric disturbance with wind, rain, and sometimes thunder and lightning.
The name Serene means calm, peaceful, and tranquil.
Sedona is a place name derived from the Spanish word 'sedona' meaning 'sienna-colored'.
A Japanese name meaning 'sky' or 'air'.
The name Sky is a modern word name that refers to the vast expanse of air and atmosphere above the Earth.
Storm is a gender-neutral name derived from the English word for a violent weather event.
We help you discover unique baby names. Using official US naming statistics as a reference point, we spotlight beautiful names that are a bit less common.
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