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Roan is a name derived from the reddish-brown color of certain animals.
Rylee is a variant spelling of the name Riley, which has English origins.
Remedy is a name derived from the English word meaning 'a solution or treatment for a problem or disease'.
Reagan is an English surname that has been used as a given name, possibly derived from the Irish surname Ó Riagáin, meaning 'descendant of Riagán'.
Rosalynn is a variant of the name Rosalind, which is of English origin meaning 'pretty rose'.
An English surname derived from a place name meaning 'reed clearing'.
The name Riot is a modern word name that likely refers to the concept of a chaotic or unruly situation.
Ransom is an English surname that has been adopted as a masculine given name.
Ramsey is an English surname derived from a place name meaning 'ram's island'.
An English surname derived from a place name, meaning 'red meadow' or 'red clearing'.
Roderick is a name of German origin meaning 'famous ruler'.
Reggie is a diminutive form of the name Reginald, which is derived from the Germanic elements 'regin' meaning 'counsel' and 'wald' meaning 'rule'.
Rogan is of Irish origin meaning 'descendent of Rogen'.
Riker is a surname of English origin, meaning 'someone who lived near a ridge'.
We help you discover unique baby names. Using official US naming statistics as a reference point, we spotlight beautiful names that are a bit less common.
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