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List of names
Rhiannon is a Welsh name derived from the Celtic mythology of the same name, meaning 'great queen' or 'divine queen'.
Romy is a feminine name that derives from the French name Romie, which is a variant of the Latin name Romulus.
Rolando is a Spanish and Italian name derived from the Germanic name Roland, meaning 'famous land.'
Rori is a diminutive form of the name Aurora, which is the Latin word for dawn or morning.
Rudra is a Sanskrit name meaning 'the howler' or 'the terrible one'.
Rhaenyra is a fictional name from the Game of Thrones universe, with no known real-world meaning.
Ravi is a Hindu name of Sanskrit origin meaning 'sun'.
Ramses is an Egyptian name meaning 'son of Ra', referring to the Egyptian sun god Ra.
Rumi is a Persian name meaning 'born of light'.
An Old Norse name meaning 'warrior's advice'.
The origin and meaning of the name Revan are uncertain, as it is a relatively modern name.
We help you discover unique baby names. Using official US naming statistics as a reference point, we spotlight beautiful names that are a bit less common.
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