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Lexie is a diminutive form of the name Alexa, which is the feminine form of the Greek name Alexander, meaning 'defender of men'.
Leni is a German diminutive form of the name Lena, which is a short form of several German names like Magdalena or Helena.
Lianna is a variant of the name Liana, which is derived from the Greek word for 'vine'.
Larissa is a feminine name of Greek origin meaning 'citadel' or 'fortified place'.
Lisandro is a Spanish name derived from the Greek name Alexander, meaning 'defender of men'.
Lidia is a feminine name of Greek origin meaning 'woman from Lydia'.
Leander is a Greek name meaning 'lion man'.
Liya is a Slavic variant of the name Lia, which is derived from various sources including the Hebrew name Leah and the Greek name Leia.
Lenna is a feminine name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from the Greek word 'lene' meaning 'lion'.
Laia is a Catalan and Spanish variant of the name Eulalia, meaning 'well-spoken'.
Lex is a shortened form of the name Alexander, derived from the Greek name Alexandros, meaning 'defender of men'.
We help you discover unique baby names. Using official US naming statistics as a reference point, we spotlight beautiful names that are a bit less common.
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